Northern Radiator

Hoist RW0560 Breakdown Parts

Here is a breakdown of Northern Hoist 560, to ensure smooth operation to extend the life of your hoist. If you need additional information on which hoist you have go to What Brand Hoist do I Have?

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Parts List:

A.) RW0280-38  Clamp Screw, Stainless Steel P.) RW0285-14-2  1/2" x 1 3/8" Roller Bearing Only
B.) RW0280-34  Clamp Casting With Nut Q.) RW0285-18A  Complete Arm
C.) RW0160-8  Clamp Casting Nut R.) RW0285-26-7  Table Collar 1"
D.) RW0280-33  Upper Pad Casting S.) RW0285-18-4  Arm Casting / Table (Weld On)
E.) RW0280-31  Clamp Post T.) RW0560-1  Hoist Cylinder And Res. Assembly
F.) RW0280-32  Lower Pad Casting U.) RW0280-1-25  Top Cylinder Bushing - 1 3/4 ID x 2 1/2 OD
G.) RW0280-8-4  Middle Stop Shaft Bushing 2 1/2"
V1.) RW0560-15  RW0560 Roller Assembly
H.) RW0280-8-2  Lower Stop Shaft Bushing 2 1/2"
V2.) MFG0560-15-1  U Bar for RW0560
I.) RW0280-4-4  2 1/2 Inch Cup Only
W.) RW0285-D  Roto Table Assembly
J.) RW0280-4  2 1/2" Piston Assembly
X.) RW0285-26  Roto Lift Table Only
K.) RW0088-A  Kingston Valve
Y.) RW0039  Air Regulator Only
L.) RW0285-15  Swivel Casting (Tee)
Z.) RW0039-2  Gauge Only
M.) RW0285-17-1  Lock Ring 1 3/4"
AA.) RW0046-25  Amber Latex Test Hose, 25 Ft Roll
N.) RW0285-14-1  Roller Only
BB.) RW0280-49  Test Valve
O.) RW0285-14-3  Roller Shaft Only
CC.) RW0043  Air Copper Overflow Tubing 5/16" x 25 Feet